Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Approval of Stem – Cell Research: Ethical Problems in Biotechnology

A revolution always colored by full of stir. James Thomson, a scientist from University of Wisconsin, United States, reported on November 1998 that he already made to separate cell from un-use embryo. It created a medical revolution which can recover the damage organ or body network.

There are so many cases, especially in medical practice, use a stem-cell therapy to cure the patients. Most of those therapies got their successful. If the stem-cell therapy can cure many diseases, why it deems controversial? Is not it a great thing that should be celebrated? Yes or no. There are so many scientists believe that stem-cell from human embryo demands a higher level of recovery hope better than one which taken from adult stem-cell. But for many people, a destruction process of human embryo to get stem-cell is something forgives less. So it becomes a subject of debate between ethical argument and science process.

People who is the most concerned to this science implication, is group that seeing an embryo as part of society who also has living right, but in a fragile position. They also said that taking cell from its embryo as same as cannibalism. This group reminds about the dangerous created the new world of “embryo farm” which produce human bodies spare parts. They argue that the scientists also can get same result by using adult stem-cell.

There are also countries against stem-cell practice. Germany has foreboded many research to stem-cell because it worries about the possibility of medical technology become slipped into unethical human experience. The other is United States, which put into effect a tight delimitation to the government fund, but bandage private sector to do anything to support this research.

The hardest refusal comes from Vatican, seeing that embryo’s stem-cell research as abortion.

From the supporting group said that it is not an ethic behavior to not support this research. If the parents of the embryo agreed to donate it for the purposes of mankind poverty, so why do not we keep this research go on? Embryo just a group of cell, and we can not put through it into trash or drain while this cell can support the science.

Countries such as England, China, South Korea, and Singapore have been made their selves to become the center of stem-cell research. They also provide fund and ethical control to support this research. More over, Singapore has a team consist of scientists and humanity representative to arrange an ethic guideline for this purpose. And also, the society invited to participate in this activity. So this policy has had the support from society widely.

It will be difficult to solve these ethical problems. But, in fact there are many countries in the world have some competition to finding the new type of cell to increase the quality of the cell. This research must be followed by many parties in the world, along with some amazing finding to the stem-cell ability. Many parties predict that with improving the research, a new variant of stem-cell will be found and will be fulfill the healthy needs of mankind.

#an essay from my university era

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